Feb 17, 2017
Animation w/Background
This development on my animation was created as a test with background. Although I knew from the start that I wanted to submit an animation on a plain white background (so that the focus is entirely on my character and her actions), I wanted to test out what it could look like with a “stage” setting.
^ “Lighted Lakeside” with health bars - The stage design that is used in this test (featured on the first “world” page in my character bible document)
This did, however, mean creating a good deal of work for myself, as one of the shortcuts I had taken in the animation stage was to avoid colouring white sections on my character (as they will merge with the white background anyway). Therefore I had to go over my colour layer in TVPaint and tediously fill in gaps with white where needed, such as in the eyes, bandage, highlights on the shoes, and at one point, Serra’s teeth.
The result of this is something I am pretty happy with, and though I do not plan on using this piece for submission, it is an interesting development that gives some helpful insight into just what Serra’s animated actions would look like in the fighting game “stage” setting.
Feb 14, 2017
BA2 End of Week Summary - Week 8 + Conclusion/Evaluation
This week saw the conclusion of the character reel project, and my final outcomes finally come to light. I am very happy with the outcomes considering the time spent on the project and the time available, and look forward to continuing to expand this world I have created around my character.
I faced various challenges in this project, particularly in the animation production stage, where some complex motions tested my ability and what principles and techniques I had learned in the past year, including:
Secondary Motion
Working in limited frames (for responsive attack and movement animations in the video game genre)
Working on a 2D plane (Staging)
Working largely straight ahead as opposed to pose by pose
Timing certain motions so the viewer can‘feel’ the impact of it, for example, the kick animation in my third reel performance
Using smears to occupy limited space and time, but only where needed
Working in 2D took a considerable amount of time, but the facets of the chosen application of this animation allowed me to make shortcuts very commonly used in fighting games, including looping idle animations and being able to smear big motions, something less common in another types of animation (eg: stop motion) due to its restrictions.
I am particularly proud of the amount of detail put into this project, with the number of character concepts and drawings produced of the same character exceeding that of any other project to date. The world building and contextualising around my character and their performance within the reel is something I’m also very happy with, and I look forward to potentially expanding this even further in the future.
As a friend suggested to me, I also would like to collaborate with the games course at some point in the future, in order to test my animations and their ability to become functional with an actual games controller.
^ “Bye” from Serra
Feb 14, 2017
DELIVERY - Final Character Reel Outcome
This is my final outcome, a culmination of all three character performances that make up my character reel, as well as a“character selection menu” segment to add some context and much needed flavour to the animation’s intended application (fighting games).
I am very happy with the outcome in the time we have had, and very much look forward to developing this idea further in the future, which I intend to do having worked so hard and establishing a world in great detail. Of course, as a result of time constraints I couldn’t create everything I hoped for, including some more visual and sound effects, and a“pièce de résistance” section demonstrating“Serra’s”‘super combo’ attack.
If I could go back and change anything, it would be to shift the character performances more to the right side to reduce empty space, as although this would break down the context (2D fighting game character’s neutral position is the far left and right), it would suit this project better. I would also try to create more dynamic movement in the hair and shirt (loose sections of the design), remove the shoelaces in the start of the first animation (as they appear nowhere else) and clean up a few frames so they read better.
The music used in the reel is“dance” from
Feb 14, 2017
BA2 Character Reel -“Experimentation Reel”
>>>>>>P WORD FOR VIEWING IS 123<<<<<<<<<<
This reel contains a collections of lots of the design and iteration processes undergone throughout this project, illustrating the progression from initial concepts to final outcomes in both animation and producing the“character bible” character overview document.
I enjoyed creating this as it demonstrates just how far I have gone with this project, as I’ve put a significant amount of effort into producing animation that looks like it could actually exist within its intended medium. I went beyond what was expected by establishing a concept, a character and a setting brought to life by detail, such as the fighting stage designs and other supporting characters.
As always, I tried to get the experimentation reel to fit with the music, which is Atlas by Battles, a song I am fond of because of its musical freedom and experimentation (much like the reel itself). The various loops and the in your face drum beat intentionally match with many visuals within the video
Feb 14, 2017
Print ads for the PS2 ports of Virtua Fighter 4and Virtua Fighter 4 EVOLUTION.Nothing gets me in the mood for VFquite like getting bit on the dick by a dog, eh?
Feb 14, 2017
Animation Progress 14 - Finished Walk Cycle
This is my third and final character performance animation for the“character reel” project. I had originally intended for this to be a“super combo” animation, but due to time constraints, I opted for a walk cycle instead but tried to incorporate as much motion and as many principles as possible.
I am happy with the finished result to some extent, and it is a definite improvement on what I had originally exported. I had noticed that one leg was ahead by one frame, and pushing the character upwards more than the other, giving the impression of a limp - fixing this helped it to flow more smoothly, and give a near seamless“loop”
The walk is relatively quick intentionally, as it has to be a specific speed to fit within the fighting game genre - fast enough to cover a good amount of distance and feel responsive, but not so fast as to appear unnatural for a walk, and thus, a run or “dash”.
Feb 12, 2017
Animation Progress 13
This update on my animation features the beginning stages of my third and final character performance, a walk cycle. I originally intended for it to be an intense “super combo” style performance, but time constraints meant I decided to revert back to basics and create a walk cycle, but with more of a focus on dynamics and animation principles, pushing what I have learnt this year to the test. I also intend for the walk cycle to loop backwards, so she walks back the way she came, another common trait among fighting games.
^ A great example of a walk cycle with a strong focus on posing, secondary motion and solid arcs
Feb 12, 2017
Character Selection Menu (SWEDGE)
This is my finished character selection menu to introduce my animated character reel. It is developed as part of the reel as an added bonus to set the scene and the aesthetic of the fighting game medium.
It is primarily created in after effects, featuring several keyframed assets to give the impression of a player selecting my character from a roster before the animated performances play. I am very happy with the outcome, particularly the SFX (from and the heavily influenced layout and design. The background is a blurred version of one of my fighting stage designs, pictured with highlights along the outer edge which fade in and out to give some movement to the otherwise very static menu.
^ Original concept for“Babybones”, Sydney’s skeletal giant guardian
^ Sydney,‘The Necromaner’s Apprentice’
Feb 12, 2017
Music for the Character Selection Menu, Character Reel Introduction(Royalty Upbeat Electronica to set the mood)
Feb 12, 2017
Developing Assets for Character Selection (SWEDGE)
My character select menu is going to introduce the game’s aesthetic and style before shifting into my character’s animated performances. It will feature music and a selection box (shown above) which will select my character before transition into the animations. The aim is to get it working properly, with potential controller functionality, but this is an ambitiousgoal in the time we have so I am just going to make it a short animatedsegment to introduce the reel. I can always come back to this and try to get it working in the way I would like it to.
The menu features a range of original characters I have made for the game (from top left to bottom right):
This Guy
Lady Lucifer
“Buildy” Buster
Mrs. Lavender
Feb 12, 2017
Character Selection Menu,“Furious Fists”
Character selection menus are a sub menu very common among fighting games with large rosters, as it allows players to choose which fighters they want with ease. I am very interested in creating one to set the scene for my hypothetical 2D fighting game. They are often stylised, reflect the diversity of the roster, and feature many tropes that have come to be popular in all fighters, including:
Small windows, often boxes, featuring character icons
Character models or images on adjacent sides of the screen (to emphasise the conflict between the two)
A cursor or highlight section to choose which window you want
Exciting music to set the mood
Customisation options for characters (eg: colours, costumes, moveset, taunt, voice lines, actions, victory animations etc)
Under Night: In Birth
Pokken Tournament
Smash Bros for Wii U
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny
Mortal Kombat X
Feb 12, 2017
Animation Progress 12
This is the final progression of my second character performance, demonstrating some of Serra’s actions in combat and the video game setting. There are also a few extra visuals with the addition of colour, including a“+1000″ points icon as Serra knocks down the first boxing bag, I like this as it accentuates the medium and its application.
I feel as though some possible improvements include making the crouch animation flow more seamlessly, as the repetition of the smear on the descent and ascent looks unnatural, and fixing the overstretch of the leg at the end as it breaks the solid drawing (it is not on model).
Feb 12, 2017
Animation Progress 11
This video portrays my second character performance animation for my character reel, fully lined and partly coloured. Drawing the linework over the construction took a long time but was worth it, as certain elements are really brought to life, such as the looseness of the shirt and dynamic secondary movement in the ponytail and hair ties.
Taking frames out and adding frames for holds in specific places has helped form the animation into something much more clear and properly timed out. With the addition of colour the smear frames and holds should be even more precise and explicit.
Feb 11, 2017
Animation Progress 10
In this video, you can note how I have tried to incorporateseveral animation principles, including a very clear“pendulum swing” in the boxing bag. This is going to be changed so that the swing has more holds and follow through to stay more believable, but overall, I am quite happy with the how the impact of the kick corresponds with the swing.
Also note how Serra knocks the bag to the ground, this was my friend’s idea, and I thought it would be a great way of showing her strength and wild nature, as well as pushing the animation. It dissolves from existence as an intentional method of demonstrating the“video game logic” of the animation, much as the same as when Serra throws away the bloody rag in my first animation.
Feb 11, 2017
End of Week Summary - Week 7
Possibly the most productive week yet, this week saw a massive amount of work get completed in the process of animation production. Several long sessions in the media labs helped me create some short animated content of my character which I am extremely happy with.
From working from reference footage and other animations in fighting games, I could achieve some believable yet stylised animations to illustrate Serra’s abilities and functionality within a video game setting. I am so pleased with the progress that I am even considering carrying on the project way past submission, and potentially collaborating with the games course to get some of the animations to respond with real games controller functions.
I’ve had some trouble here and there, attempting to get the right movement in my character so it can be performed fast yet read well and make sense within the restrictions I ensure I stick to (eg: staying on model, trying to not let the smears overwhelm the motion etc). But lots of attempts, a process of trial and error, allows me to overcome this.
In one week I have a finished piece of animation from the construction stage, and look forward to seeing what more I can create to push Serra’s movements. I have also continued drawing my character, I do this constantly (now even with a cintiq!) so I am always assured of her design and style, and continue to research the genre and what more I can achieve within it.
Feb 11, 2017
Animation Progress 09
This next progression on my character performance shows off the punching bag I added in in place of a separatecharacter. To really show off her moves I figured I needed something for Serra to attack so you can feel the impact and the follow through of said impact.
You can also see the some hit effects I added in to bring out the“video game” aspects of the design. The second hit I am not so happy with, as I feel that the turn is sloppy and the impact is non-existent, so I’m considering removing this for the other two attacks which I much prefer. The kick is what I am especially proud of, as it demonstrates several key components/principles of animating for fighting games, including overshooting and anticipation.
Feb 11, 2017
Animation Progress 08
This animation displays a culmination of the previous two posts, illustrating Serra’s crouching animation, neutral jumping animation, and a powerful aerial attack. Notice that she intentionally starts in the idle pose where the last finished animated character performance left off. This is so the two (and eventually, the third), can interlock and flow seamlessly as a demonstration of some of Serra’s abilities.